Farewell to Train and Gazebo!

The completion of the Prep School building has meant making room for more sports facilities by demolishing the prefabs which started going up in 1997. Named the Train and Gazebo by the late, great Frank Murphy, and with class-rooms named according to their location and size – GTS (Gazebo Top Small) or TB3 (Train Bottom 3) – they have been part of Runnymede life and landscape for twenty seven years.

Intuiting Old Runnymedians of different vintages would want to pay homage to these Marmite buildings, Manuel Powell, hosted an impromptu beer fest in the shadow of the steel structure. Cans of paint and giant markers were provided for those who wished to daub their names or thoughts on the panels which succumbed to the claws of giant machines in the following days.

Farewell dear train and good riddance!

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