Sixth Form Life beyond the classroom

Life beyond the classroom

Our Sixth Formers have plenty of opportunities beyond the classroom to develop transferable skills that are crucial for life beyond school.

Recognising the benefits of staying active for both physical and mental health, we actively encourage all Sixth Formers to participate in sport. Our Fit-Formers sessions allow pupils to engage in a variety of physical activities, including Pilates, yoga, and CrossFit.

Team Runnymede
Team Runnymede provides further opportunities for pupils to get involved in sports and is an integral part of school life. There are many teams that Sixth Formers can join, including football, volleyball, judo, rugby, and athletics. Both teams and individual athletes participate in leagues and tournaments, achieving notable success in inter-school competitions and beyond. 

Co-Curricular Opportunities
The school offers numerous co-curricular activities, including The Runnymede Times, Model United Nations, and the Duke of Edinburgh Award, to name just a few. Sixth Formers often take the lead in coordinating activities such as debating or photography clubs, enthusiastically participating to develop their leadership and organisational skills.

Take a Runnymedian to Work
Pupils are given the opportunity to participate in work experience by visiting a workplace for a day. This provides valuable insight into the professional world and exposes them to diverse working environments.

Panel Events
Guest speakers are invited to talk to the Sixth Form about their professional and academic journeys, giving pupils the chance to gain first-hand insight into the working world and ask questions directly.

Performance Opportunities
Outside of school hours, pupils can participate in the Drama Club, Choir, and Concert Band, helping them to develop their creativity and performance skills. They may also take individual instrumental lessons with visiting music specialists, working towards Trinity College London qualifications. 

Field Work and Trips
Many subjects organise trips to help pupils develop fieldwork skills or explore their subjects in greater depth. There are also opportunities to take part in expeditions as part of the Duke of Edinburgh Award, attend conferences through Model United Nations, and embark on exciting optional adventures further afield.

Pupil Leadership Team
Sixth Formers can take on significant responsibilities by becoming part of the Pupil Leadership Team. Pupils apply for roles such as Head Pupils, Prefects, House Captains, and members of the Community Committee.

  • Head Pupils represent the pupil body, act as spokespeople, communicate regularly with the Senior Management Team, and support school events by delivering speeches, leading assemblies, and playing a key role in the annual Speech Day and Prize Giving.
  • Prefects mentor younger pupils, visit form groups weekly, deliver assemblies, and help ensure the smooth running of the school.
  • House Captains coordinate house participation and organisation during school events.
  • The Community Committee raises funds for the school’s designated charity. It is made up of pupils in various roles, including Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Secretaries, Event Organisers, Marketing Officers, and Treasurers.