Senior School
Pastoral Care
The safeguarding and pastoral support of our pupils is central to our school purpose, as is the promotion of good mental health and wellbeing. Young learners who feel safe, secure and supported in the school environment are best equipped to achieve their academic and social potential.
In the Senior School we have a dedicated team of Form Tutors and Heads of Year who work directly with students on a daily basis. In addition to these staff, the Deputy Head for Pastoral Care, the Coordinador de Bienestar y Protección lead safeguarding and pastoral provision across all phases of the school, and additional support is received by the school psychologist, the SEND coordinators, as well as visiting educational psychologists and counsellors.
All staff at Runnymede College, both teaching and non-teaching, have regular safeguarding training, so that pupils will receive an appropriate response from any adult they may approach for support. We also seek to include our Pupil Leadership Team members from the VI Form in our pastoral structure, who receive fundamental training in safeguarding and wellbeing, and provide a relatable point of reference for younger students.
Our PSHEE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) curriculum underpins the pastoral structure, with pupils in all year groups discovering, considering and discussing a range of topics appropriate to their age so that all young people may be are able to make their own well-informed decisions as well-rounded, active members of society.