Statements for
Statements for Reports
The statements you will see on your child’s report are as follows:
Exceeding the age expected level for the year
Children exceeding the age expected level have progressed confidently and have mastered the knowledge and skills of a curriculum area. They are working at an extremely high level.
Working above the age expected level for the year
Children working above the age expected level are mastering the knowledge and skills of a curriculum area with no difficulties. They are doing very well.
Working at the age expected level for the year
Children working at the age expected level are mastering the knowledge and skills of a curriculum area with few difficulties.
Working towards the age expected level for the year
Children working towards the age expected level would benefit from a little revision and further support to ensure they make good progress in the curriculum area. They are experiencing some difficulties.
Working below the age expected level for the year
Children who are working below the age expected level have found it difficult to master the knowledge and skills of a curriculum area. They are struggling to make progress and need a lot of extra support.
Definition of Attainment Grades
on Upper KS2 Reports
Definition of Attainment Grades on Upper KS2 Reports
The reports for Upper KS2 will also include Grades for Attainment (A+ to E-)
A Excellent standard in all areas. Work is well above average.
B Very good standard of work. Work is above average.
CAverage standard. An acceptable level for a child of this age.
DBelow average. Has problems in retaining the work covered
EPoor standard in both course work and in any test situation. Shows little or no understanding or retention of concepts.
The symbols + or – will also be used on each grade, at the teacher’s discretion. B+, for example, would denote a standard approaching that of an ‘A’ but a B-, on the other hand, would indicate the performance of a child working towards but not yet fully achieving a B.