Model United Nations of Munich

Earlier this month, 20 Year 13 students accompanied by Mr White and Ms Ingrey flew to Munich take part in the 25th annual Model United Nations of Munich (MUNOM), hosted by the European School.

The conference is a demanding simulation of the real UN. Over four days the students – who formed the delegations of Egypt, Ethiopia, Romania, and Russia – lobbied other delegations, wrote resolutions, debated amendments, and cast their countries’ votes. There was little rest in the dark Munich evenings either, as students learn about the history of National Socialism in Munich, on the sight of the original Brown House, explored the historic centre of the city, and attended the MUNOM-organised social events.

The students comported themselves exceptionally, throwing themselves into their research and debate, getting into character as ambassadors (I’ve never seen them so smartly dressed!), and embracing the fun side of the event. Despite the early mornings, long days, and a delayed flight home, the students greatly enjoyed the experience and several of them wanted to share their thoughts for this article.

MUNOM was a really great experience. Taking mostly STEM subjects at school, it has given me the opportunity to improve my research, writing and public speaking skills, which I don’t often practice in my subjects. Adopting the perspective of countries that you might not know much about, MUN gives you the chance to explore different points of view when facing international problems. You must consider the different laws, religions, states of conflict, etc. of each country and how these interact. It was also a great opportunity to meet people from many countries, forming international friendships. I would recommend it to anyone!
-Diego Lopéz, ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt.

MUN was a great opportunity to develop a sense of global responsibility along with public speaking skills. It also allowed us to learn about the formalities and procedures of multinational conferences.
-Gabriela Pérez-Hernández, ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt.

MUN has been a really enriching experience. Not only do you become more aware of countries’ different geopolitical viewpoints, but you acquire a more holistic view of the relationships amongst them, which ultimately enhances your global outlook. MUN has allowed me to foster new relationships with people from all around the world, learning their background, culture and ideologies. I especially enjoyed the debating side of the conference, where we discussed sometimes impassioning topics and formed alliances with some countries whilst divisions grew with others. As a Russian delegate, I was constantly attacked, making each minute even more dramatic. We also had time to explore Munich during the evenings, tasting its local gastronomy whilst also visiting a range of stores. The four days couldn’t have been more fulfilling; I really recommend the experience.
-Jorge Peña, ambassador of the Russian Federation

It was a thrilling and enriching experience; it helped us improve my public speaking skills and we learnt so many things about countries all over the world as well as current issues and how the UN works. It was so fun and we would definitely recommend it to the future Year 12s!
-Ellie Schwab and Natalia Barquero, ambassadors of Ethiopia




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