Curriculum Guides
- Match graphemes for all phonemes
- Read accurately by blending sounds
- Read words with very common suffixes
- Read contractions & understand purpose
- Read phonics books aloud
- Link reading to own experiences
- Join in with predictable phrases
- Discuss significance of title & events
- Make simple predictions
- Leave spaces between words
- Begin to use basic punctuation: . ? !
- Use capital letters for proper nouns.
- Use common plural & verb suffixes
- Name letters of the alphabet
- Spell very common ‘exception’ words
- Spell days of the week
- Use very common prefixes & suffixes
- Form lower case letters correctly
- Compose sentences orally before writing
- Read own writing to peers or teachers
Speaking and Listening
- Listen & respond appropriately
- Ask relevant questions
- Maintain attention & participate
- Count to / across 100
- Count in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s
- Identify ‘one more’ and ‘one less’
- Read & write numbers to 20
- Use language, e.g. ‘more than’, ‘most’
- Use +, - and = symbols
- Know number bonds to 20
- Add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20, including zero
- Solve one-step problems, including simple arrays
- Solve one-step problems, including simple arrays
- Recognise & use 1⁄2 & 1⁄4
Geometry and Measures
- Use common vocabulary for comparison, e.g. heavier, taller, full, longest, quickest
- Begin to measure length, capacity, weight
- Recognise coins & notes
- Use time & ordering vocabulary
- Tell the time to hour/half-hour
- Use language of days, weeks, months & years
- Recognise & name common 2-d and 3-d shapes
- Order & arrange objects
- Describe position & movement, including half and quarter turns
- Identify basic plants
- Identify basic plant parts (roots, leaves, flowers, etc.)
- Identify & compare common animals
- Identify & name basic body parts
- Observe weather associated with changes of season
- Distinguish between objects & materials
- Identify & name common materials
- Describe simple properties of some materials
- Compare & classify materials
- Relacionar los sonidos con su escritura.
- Leer palabras reconociendo la sílaba como unidad.
- Leer palabras sencillas de uso frecuente.
- Asociar las ilustraciones con el contenido del texto.
Conocimiento de la lengua
- Distinguir vocales de consonantes.
- Reconocer la utilidad del punto para separar oraciones.
- Reconocer el uso básico de las mayúsculas.
- Reconocer los signos de interrogación y exclamación.
- Diferenciar las letras y las sílabas que componen las palabras.
- Copiar textos sencillos, palabra a palabra, dejando espacios entre ellas.
- Escribir palabras de ortografía básica.
- Escribir frases sencillas tras haberlas formulado oralmente.
- Utilizar el lenguaje y la entonación adecuados para comunicarse.
- Pronunciar las palabras correctamente.
- Participar en conversaciones expresándose con claridad, escuchando con atención y respetando el turno de palabra.
- Changes in living memory (linked to aspects of national life where appropriate)
- Lives of significant historical figures, including comparison of those from different periods
- Significant local people
- Events of local importance
- Significant Historical events e.g The Great Fire of London
- Name & locate the four countries and capital cities of the United Kingdom using atlases & globes
- Name & locate main cities in Spain using atlases & globes
- Identify seasonal / daily weather patterns in the UK and Spain and the location of hot and cold areas of the world
- Use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to local & familiar features
- Use four compass directions & simple vocab
- Use a range of materials
- Use drawing, painting and sculpture
- Develop techniques of colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space
- Learn about range of artists, craftsmen and designers
- Generate, model & communicate ideas
- Use range of tools & materials to complete practical tasks
- Evaluate own ideas
- Understand use of algorithms
- Write & test simple programs
- Use logical reasoning to make predictions
- Organise, store, retrieve & manipulate data
- Communicate online safely and respectfully
- Recognise uses of IT outside of school
- Sing songs
- Play tuned & untuned instruments musically
- Listen & understand live and recorded music
- Make and combine sounds musically
- Master basic movement, e.g. running, jumping, throwing, catching, balance, agility and co-ordination
- Participate in team games
- Perform dances using simple movement
- Develop phonics until decoding secure
- Read common suffixes
- Read & re-read phonic-appropriate books
- Read common ‘exception’ words
- Discuss & express views about fiction, non-fiction & poetry
- Become familiar with & retell stories
- Ask & answer questions; make predictions
- Begin to make inferences
- Use . ! ? , and ’
- Begin to expand noun phrases
- Use some features of standard English
- Spell by segmenting into phonemes
- Learn to spell common ‘exception’ words
- Spell using common suffixes, etc.
- Use appropriate size letters & spaces
- Develop positive attitude & stamina for writing
- Begin to plan ideas for writing
- Record ideas sentence-by-sentence
- Make simple additions & changes after proof-reading
Speaking and Listening
- Articulate & Justify answers
- Initiate & respond to comments
- Use spoken language to develop understanding
- Know 2, 5, 10x tables
- Begin to use place value (T/U)
- Count in 2s, 3s, 5s & 10s
- Identify, represent & estimate numbers
- Compare / order numbers, inc. =
- Write numbers to 100
- Know number facts to 20 (+ related to 100)
- Use x and ÷ symbols
- Recognise commutative property of multiplication
- Find and write simple fractions
- Understand equivalence of e.g. 2/4 = 1/2
Geometry and Measures
- Know and use standard measures
- Read scales to nearest whole unit
- Use symbols for £ and p and add/subtract simple sums of less than £1 or in pounds
- Identify & sort 2-d & 3-d shapes
- Identify 2-d shapes on 3-d surfaces
- Oder and arrange mathematical objects
- Use terminology of position and movement
- Interpret simple tables & pictograms
- Ask & answer comparison questions
- Ask & answer questions about totalling
- Differentiate living, dead and non-living
- Growing plants (water, light, warmth)
- Basic needs of animals & offspring
- Simple food chains & habitats
- Compare how things move on different surfaces
- Identify and compare uses of different materials
- Reforzar las correspondencias entre fonemas y grafías.
- Conocer el nombre de las letras y el orden alfabético.
- Leer textos breves en voz alta con la pronunciación y fluidez adecuadas.
- Respetar los signos de puntuación básicos al leer en voz alta.
- Explicar oralmente el contenido de lo leído.
- Seguir instrucciones sencillas dadas por escrito.
Conocimiento de la lengua
- Conocer de memoria el alfabeto.
- Ordenar alfabéticamente una serie de palabras escritas.
- Encontrar palabras de significado opuesto a adjetivos calificativos o verbos de acción.
- Escribir al dictado palabras y frases cortas cuyas grafías han sido estudiadas previamente.
- Realizar carteles combinando texto e imagen.
- Relatar experiencias personales.
- Revisar el trabajo propio para mejorarlo.
Comunicación oral
- Describir imágenes expresando la situación de objetos, lugares o personas, utilizando adverbios básicos de lugar.
- Narrar siguiendo un orden cronológico, utilizando correctamente los tiempos verbales (pasado, presente y futuro).
- Utilizar expresiones temporales (primero, luego y después) para ordenar rutinas y acciones.
- Exponer en público, brevemente, hechos y experiencias personales anunciando de qué se va a hablar.
- Changes in living memory (linked to aspects of national life where appropriate)
- Key Individuals
- Lives of significant historical figures, including comparison of those from different periods
- Significant local people
- Events of local importance e.g. San Isidro
- Name & locate world’s continents and oceans
- Use basic vocabulary to describe a less familiar area
- Use aerial images and other models to create simple plans and maps, using symbols
- Use simple fieldwork and observational skills to study the immediate environment
- Use a range of materials
- Use drawing, painting and sculpture
- Develop techniques of colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space
- Learn about range of artists, craftsmen and designers
- Generate, model & communicate ideas
- Use range of tools & materials to complete practical tasks
- Evaluate own ideas
- Understand use of algorithms
- Write & test simple programs
- Use logical reasoning to make predictions
- Use an iPad to organise, store, retrieve & manipulate data
- Communicate online safely and respectfully
- Recognise uses of IT outside of school
- Sing songs
- Play tuned & untuned instruments musically
- Listen & understand live and recorded music
- Make and combine sounds musically
- Master basic movement, e.g. running, jumping, throwing, catching, balance, agility and co-ordination
- Participate in team games
- Perform dances using simple movement
- Use knowledge to read ‘exception’ words
- Read range of fiction & non-fiction
- Use dictionaries to check meaning
- Prepare poems & plays to perform
- Check own understanding of reading
- Draw inferences & make predictions
- Retrieve & record information from non-fiction books
- Discuss reading with others
- Use range of conjunctions
- Use perfect tense
- Use range of nouns & pronouns
- Use time connectives
- Introduce speech punctuation
- Know language of clauses
- Use prefixes & suffixes in spelling
- Use dictionary to confirm spellings
- Write simple dictated sentences
- Use handwriting joins appropriately
- Plan to write based on familiar forms
- Rehearse sentences orally for writing
- Use varied rich vocabulary
- Create simple settings & plot
- Assess effectiveness of own and others’ writing
Speaking and Listening
- Give structured descriptions
- Participate activity in conversation
- Consider & evaluate different viewpoints.
English homework will be set once a week. This may take the form of a comprehension, spelling, handwriting or grammar exercise. The children might also be asked to plan a story or add a paragraph to a story; prepare a topic to speak about in class; learn by heart some vocabulary, spellings or poetry. The homework should take no longer than half an hour. It is also expected that some time will be set aside each day for reading with an adult.
There will be an assessment at least once a term in English. This will consist of a reading comprehension test and a grammar, punctuation and spelling test. Writing is continually assessed throughout the year and the children have specific writing targets they are working on.
- Learn 3, 4 & 8x tables
- Secure place value to 100
- Mentally add & subtract units, tens or hundreds to numbers of up to 3 digits
- Written column addition & subtraction
- Solve number problems, including multiplication & simple division and missing number problems Use commutativity to help calculations
- Use & count in tenths
- Recognise, find & write fractions
- Recognise some equivalent fractions
- Add/subtract fractions up to
- Order fractions with common denominator
Geometry and Measures
- Measure & calculate with metric measures
- Measure simple perimeter
- Add/subtract using money in context
- Use Roman numerals up to XII
- Tell time
- Calculate using simple time problems
- Draw 2-d / Make 3-d shapes
- Identify and use right angles
- Identify horizontal, vertical, perpendicular and parallel lines
- Interpret bar charts & pictograms
There will be Maths Homework once a week. This will take the form of an exercise which should be familiar to the children in the form of revision of a concept already covered in class. The children are expected to play the online maths games on a regular basis to practise skills. The children will also be learning and practising the multiplication tables with help from an adult.
Maths will be assessed on a regular basis, usually once every 5 or 6 weeks. These assessments will be on the material covered during those weeks and are designed to inform the teachers whether the child has grasped the concepts or whether more work is needed. There will probably be multiplication and/or Mental Maths tests on a weekly basis. All of these test results, alongside the teachers’ knowledge of the child’s progress, will form the basis of the Grades on the school reports.
- Plants, incl. parts,lifecycle and requirements for life
- Animals: skeletons & nutrition
- Sources of light; shadows & reflections
- Simple forces, including magnetism
- Classification of rock types
- Simple understanding of fossilisation
Homework for Science may take a variety of forms. The children may be expected to comment or answer questions on an experiment carried out in class; they may have to research a famous scientist; they may be asked to carry out an investigation of their own; label a scientific diagram or to learn the definitions of scientific vocabulary.
Teachers are constantly assessing the children on their knowledge and interest. However there will be a short, written test at the end of each scientific topic in order for teachers to pinpoint areas for improvement.
- Leer textos breves sin silabeo, con pronunciación, ritmo y fluidez adecuados, respetando los signos de puntuación.
- Leer en silencio un texto y dar cuenta oralmente de su contenido.
- Descifrar por el contexto el sentido de palabras desconocidas.
- Distinguir textos en prosa de textos en verso.
- Conocer y utilizar el vocabulario específico de la lectura ( texto, página, frase, personaje, etc.).
- Participar en lecturas compartidas y comentar su contenido.
Conocimiento de la lengua
- Reconocer nombres, adjetivos y verbos.
- Distinguir nombres comunes de nombres propios.
- Usar sinónimos y antónimos.
- Establecer concordancias de género y número.
- Distinguir el tiempo verbal ( presente, pasado y futuro ).
- Usar conectores de tiempo.
- Cuidar la presentación y la caligrafía.
- Copiar textos cortos, respetando tildes, signos de puntuación y mayúsculas.
- Escribir al dictado textos, utilizando conocimientos gramaticales y ortográficos.
- Concebir y escribir textos cortos y coherentes, tanto narrativos como explicativos.
- Usar el diccionario para confirmar ortografía.
- Componer textos asociados a imágenes.
- Usar comas en las enumeraciones, puntos, interrogaciones y exclamaciones.
- Releer producciones propias con el fin de evaluarlas y corregirlas.
Comunicación oral
- Describir objetos, personas, animales y lugares.
- Narrar sucesos de manera comprensible y estructurada.
- Participar en conversaciones proponiendo temas, aportando opiniones, respondiendo a preguntas, y valorando y respetando los puntos de vista de los demás.
Habrá deberes una vez a la semana, consistentes en práctica ortográfica y cuya duración será inferior a media hora. También se espera la lectura diaria en compañía de un adulto.
La evaluación será continua, complementada con pruebas trimestrales específicas de comprensión lectora, puntuación y ortografía.
Stone Age to Iron Age Britain
- Hunter-gatherers and early farmers
- Bronze age religion, technology & travel - Iron age hill forts
Roman Empire & impact on Britain and Spain
- Julius Caesar’s attempted invasion
- Roman Empire & successful invasion - British resistance, e.g. Boudicca
- Romanisation
There will be History homework set on a regular basis.
There will be no formal assessment test.
- Locate world’s countries, focussing on Europe & Americas focus on key physical & human features
- Study a region of the UK (not local area)
- Use 8 points of compass, symbols & keys
- Describe & understand climate, rivers,mountains, volcanoes, earthquakes,settlements, trade links,etc.
- Use fieldwork to observe, measure & record
There will be Geography homework set on a regular basis.
There will be no formal assessment test.
- Use sketchbooks to collect, record and evaluate ideas
- Improve mastery of techniques such as drawing, painting and sculpture with varied materials
- Learn about great artists, architects & designers
- Use annotated sketches and prototypes to explain ideas
- Evaluate existing products and improve own work
- Design & write programs to achieve specific goals, including solving problems
- Use logical reasoning
- Understand computer networks
- Use internet safely and appropriately
- Collect and present data appropriately
At Runnymede the pupils develop their understanding and enjoyment of music by learning how it is constructed, produced and influenced. The aim in key stage 2 is to extend pupils’ musical experience and knowledge, and develop their appreciation of the richness of different styles of music. Music appreciation is a part of class music and pupil performances are staged within the school. A wide variety of instrumental classes are available including piano, violin, viola, guitar, flute, clarinet, saxophone and percussion. Runnymede is a recognised centre for the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music exams and pupils who wish to take these exams can take them in school on two occasions during the school year.
The pupils understanding and enjoyment of music is developed through activities that bring together requirements from Performing, Composing, Listening and Appraising. Pupils are taught to:
Use their voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhyme
Here we use songs from different parts of the world to begin to experiment with the voice and continue to develop perceptions of pitch, rhythm and the control of dynamics.
Play tuned and untuned instruments musically
The school has a resource of untuned percussion instruments from clave through to rainstick and boomawhackers. The children can explore the sounds made by these instruments and the part they can contribute to plying in a group. After initial work with untuned percussion chime bars, glockenspiels and xylophones are introduced as we continue our work with pitch and its combination with rhythm.
Listen with concentration and understanding to a range of high-quality live and recorded music
There are concerts arranged by visiting artists during the course of the year and the children get the opportunity to see concerts performed by children as well as top professional performers through videos and recordings from our music library.
Experiment with, create, select and combine sounds using the inter-related dimensions of music
Using recorded music as a stimulus for creating soundscapes as both an individual and in a group. Recording sounds that are made and listening to the work completed . Working with video stimulus and interactive programs to extend the children’s awareness of outside sources and their influence on music making.
There is no homework in this year group.
Assessment is on a half termly basis working in class on an informal basis.
Resources and Materials
Internet based resources including, Grovemusiconline (,,
The Music express, Opus and Cambridge Music series of books
Instruments: piano, keyboards, acoustic, electric and bass guitars, ukuleles, violins, recorders (bass, treble and descant), percussion from drum kits to clave, tuned percussion including glockenspiels, xylophones and chime bars
- Use running, jumping, catching and throwing in isolation and in combination
- Play competitive games, modified as appropriate
- Develop flexibility & control in gym, dance & athletics
- Compare performances to achieve personal bests