Calculation Policy


Calculation Policy

In Lower Key Stage 2, children build on the concrete and conceptual understandings they have gained in Key Stage 1 to develop a real mathematical understanding of the four operations, in particular developing arithmetical competence in relation to larger numbers.

Addition and Subtraction:

Children are taught to use place value and number facts to add and subtract numbers mentally and they will develop a range of strategies to enable them to discard the ‘counting in 1s’ or fingers-based methods of Key Stage 1. In particular, children will learn to add and subtract multiples and near multiples of 10, 100 and 1000, and will become fluent in complementary addition as an accurate means of achieving fast and accurate answers to 3-digit subtractions. Standard written methods for adding larger numbers are taught, learned and consolidated, and written column subtraction is also introduced.

Multiplication and Division:

This key stage is also the period during which all the multiplication and division facts are thoroughly memorised, including all facts up to 12 × 12. Efficient written methods for multiplying or dividing a 2-digit or 3-digit number by a 1-digit number are taught, as are mental strategies for multiplication or division with large but ‘friendly’ numbers, e.g. when dividing by 5 or multiplying by 20.


Children will develop their understanding of fractions, learning to reduce a fraction to its simplest form, as well as finding non-unit fractions of amounts and quantities. The concept of a decimal number is introduced and children consolidate a firm understanding of 1-place decimals, multiplying and dividing whole numbers by 10 and 100.

Mental calculation:

Written calculation


Mental calculation:

Written calculation


Mental calculation:

Written calculation


Mental calculation:

Written calculation
