Drama Club

Drama Club

The after-school Drama Club has been a key part of the extra-curricular provision at Runnymede College since 2011. Founded and led by Mr Crumpton, the Senior School version attracts pupils from Years 7 to 13, and a Junior School Drama Club was introduced last year. The Club is aimed at all those who are interested in developing their dramatic skills and getting involved in performances for friends, family and classmates. During Drama Club, students play theatre games, learn how to improvise, and take part in a variety of mini-plays which stretch their creative and collaborative abilities. Drama Club members rehearse for a range of different productions, from the Christmas or Renaissance Showcase (with the Music Department) to larger-scale plays. Previous shows have included Shakespeare (‘Macbeth’ and ‘Romeo and Juliet’), Oscar Wilde (‘The Importance of Being Earnest’), and visual and exciting productions of pantomimes like ‘The Wizard of Oz’ and ‘Sleeping Beauty’, with between 25 to 50 pupils on stage, or involved in costumes, set design and lighting and sound. Drama Club is a brilliant extra-curricular option for any pupil who enjoys teamwork, fun and the thrill of performing for an audience!