official retailer
Centro Comercial Sanchinarro
C/ Margarita de Parma, 1 Madrid
913 848 200
917 502 441 (Fax)

White blouse
Short sleeved white polo shirt
with badge (summer)
Navy blue v-necked
jumper with badge
Navy blue anorak
or raincoat, any style
School summer dress
(Nursery to Year 6)
Blazer with piping and badge
Grey skirt, kilt style
Hover over the points to see a description
Aditional dress code complements:
- Navy blue knee socks (navy blue tights are permitted in winter)
- Navy blue or black shoes

White shirt
Short sleeved white polo
shirt with badge (summer)
Navy blue v-necked jumper
with badge
Navy blue anorak
or raincoat, any style
School tie
Blazer with piping and badge
Short trousers*
Grey trousers
Hover over the points to see a description
Aditional dress code complements:
- Navy blue socks
- Black shoes
- NB short trousers are permitted in the junior school only

School tracksuit
School blue shorts
School T-shirt
School tracksuit
Hover over the points to see a description
Aditional dress code complements:
- Short white socks
- White sport shoes