The Senior School-Key Stage 4

Key Stage 4

At Key Stage 4, students begin to specialise a little more. English, French, Mathematics, Spanish, Sociales, History and P.E. continue to be compulsory subjects, but students can also choose up to four of the following subjects: Art (GCSE), Biology, Chemistry, Drama, Geography, Latin, Physics, Music for their options with at least one of these being a science subject.

In all these subjects, they start a two-year preparation for the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) or GCSE exams which are taken at the end of Year 11. Towards the end of Year 11 students will choose the subjects which they wish to study for A level in the sixth form.

Matemáticas 2 16 - The Senior School-Key Stage 4

Runnymede Options website

This website provides information to help students make decisions with regard to their options at IGCSE, A level and beyond. The password is available from teachers.