UPenn Admissions Event

On the 5th October we were very pleased to receive the University of Pennsylvania, who hosted an open event on selective college admissions at Runnymede. This was the only event of its kind that has been organised in Spain, and we had families come from as far afield as Tarragona to have the opportunity to hear UPenn’s insight on the admission process that selective universities in the USA follow.

Applications to US universities from Runnymede pupils have increased dramatically in the past few years. In 2022 and 2023, 20% of Runnymede’s graduating class chose to attend university in the USA. UPenn and its Business School, The Wharton School, have always been a favourite destination, and two of our students who graduated in June have already started their fall semester there.

One of the big draws of Liberal Arts education as offered in institutions like UPenn is that well-rounded students do not need to choose a field of study from the start and will study a number of disciplines in their first years to provide the foundational knowledge and skills that are required to adapt to the ever-changing landscape of the 21st Century.

Students and parents enjoyed a unique opportunity to gain further insight into what US universities have to offer, and how competitive universities select students from an every growing pool of applicants. The ability to handle a challenging curriculum and form an active part of your community are key factors, demonstrating that our students come well-equipped to handle the rigours of the selection process.

A big Thank You to Jessica Ward Regosch , Senior Associate Director of Admissions, for such an insightful presentation.

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