The Library plays a major role in supporting pupils’ studies, providing not only books and journals but also comprehensive advice on how to make the best use of online resources, and a quiet place in which to undertake individual research or group study. All pupils will spend a significant amount of time reading, studying, borrowing or returning books.
The Senior School Library now contains over 25,000 books with carefully selected titles, chosen mainly to support the teaching and research at the School. New books will be provided for pupils throughout the year. The Library offers binding and laminating facilities. All are available for pupil use.
Computers have been recognised as essential aids both in teaching and research. Although pupils can search along the shelves, the easiest way to find a book is by using the digital library catalogue. The Library also offers free access to the Internet, meaning more additional information for the pupils to gather for their needs.
Since relatively few pupils have a firm idea of what to do after finishing school, the University Career Section (British and American), with a range of publications and prospectus, can help them plan their future providing advice and information. Helpful Staff are always available to guide pupils in regard to any problems which they may encounter, thus showing them how to get things done. The Librarian will always help introduce pupils to find all the information and resources they need.