Panel Discussion Events and Talks

International School Madrid Colegio Internacional Madrid British School Madrid Colegio Británico Madrid Best international school Colegio Infantil Madrid Nursery School La Moraleja Colegio Inglés Madrid English School Madrid Mejor colegio internacional Madrid

We are extremely grateful to the incredible guest speakers who have generously given up their time to speak to our Sixth Formers about their diverse professional experiences. Their insights and stories have provided invaluable inspiration and guidance. What an absolute privilege for our students to learn directly from such impressive and accomplished professionals. It was … Read more

Reception Rainforest Art Exposition

International Nursery School Madrid Best Nursery School La Moraleja International Nursery Madrid Nursery School Best Nursery School Madrid Best British Nursery School Mejor Guardería Infantil Internacional Madrid Mejor Guardería Inglés Madrid Guardería infantil La Moraleja Madrid British Nursery School La Moraleja

Our Reception children have been learning about the rainforest and became especially passionate about protecting orangutans from deforestation. After reflecting on ways we can help, we decided to create orangutan artwork and hold our own art gallery to raise awareness and some money for the charity WWF. The children worked hard on their paintings and … Read more