Prep Curriculum Guides


Curriculum Guides




Speaking and Listening


English homework will be set once a week. This may take the form of a comprehension, spelling, handwriting or grammar exercise. The children might also be asked to plan a story or add a paragraph to a story; prepare a topic to speak about in class; learn by heart some vocabulary, spellings or poetry. The Homework should take no longer than 30 to 40 minutes. It is also expected that some time will be set aside each day for reading; with an adult or independently if they are confident readers.


There will be an assessment at least once a term in English. This will consist of a reading comprehension test and a grammar, punctuation and spelling test. Writing is continually assessed throughout the year and the children have specific writing targets they are working on.


In Year 4 pupils have one lesson per week where they are introduced to the French language. The emphasis is firmly on enjoying a new challenge, learning to pronounce confidently and to express brief ideas in both speaking and writing. Communication with a smile is actively encouraged across a broad range of language topics.


We do not formally teach grammar in Year 4 but pupils are encouraged to notice the basics of adjectives and verb forms (singulars and plurals).

•  Numbers
•  Colours
•  Classroom objects
•  Days and months
•  School activities
•  Saying where you live
•  Animals
•  Describing your family
•  Describing people
•  Parts of the body
•  Food and drink
•  Clothes
•  Weather
•  Transport


Attention is paid to speaking, listening, reading and writing in Year 4, with the emphasis being on confident communication.


Pupils are given a 20 minute homework task most weeks. Typical tasks would be reviewing vocabulary completing short written exercises.



Geometry and Measures



There will be Maths Homework once a week. This will take the form of an exercise which should be familiar to the children in the form of revision of a concept already covered in class. The children are expected to play the online maths games on a regular basis to practise skills. The children will also be learning and practising the multiplication tables with help from an adult.


Maths will be assessed on a regular basis, usually once every 5 or 6 weeks. These assessments will be on the material covered during those weeks and are designed to inform the teachers whether the child has grasped the concepts or whether more work is needed. There will probably be multiplication and/or Mental Maths tests on a weekly basis. All of these test results, alongside the teachers’ knowledge of the child’s progress, will form the basis of the Grades on the school reports.





Homework for Science may take a variety of forms. The children may be expected to comment or answer questions on an experiment carried out in class; they may have to research a famous scientist; they may be asked to carry out an investigation of their own; label a scientific diagram or to learn the definitions of scientific vocabulary.


Teachers are constantly assessing the children on their knowledge and interest. However there will be a short, written test at the end of each scientific topic in order for teachers to pinpoint areas for improvement.


Conocimiento de la lengua


Comunicación oral


Habrá deberes una vez a la semana, consistentes en práctica ortográfica y cuya duración será inferior a media hora. También se espera la práctica de lectura diaria, en compañía de un adulto o en solitario, según vayan cogiendo seguridad.


La evaluación será continua, complementada con pruebas trimestrales específicas de comprensión lectora, puntuación y ortografía.


There will be History homework set on a regular basis.


There will be no formal assessment test.


There will be Geography homework set on a regular basis.


There will be no formal assessment test.


At Runnymede the pupils develop their understanding and enjoyment of music by learning how it is constructed, produced and influenced. The aim in key stage 2 is to extend pupils’ musical experience and knowledge, and develop their appreciation of the richness of different styles of music. Music appreciation is a part of class music and pupil performances are staged within the school. A wide variety of instrumental classes are available including piano, violin, viola, guitar, flute, clarinet, saxophone and percussion. Runnymede is a recognised centre for the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music exams and pupils who wish to take these exams can take them in school on two occasions during the school year.

The pupils understanding and enjoyment of music is developed through activities that bring together requirements from Performing, Composing, Listening and Appraising. Pupils are taught to:

Use their voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhyme

In this year group work with percussion is extended and children use elements of world music to develop their awareness of style and basic form. Songs from around the world , but particularly Africa and South America are included in our studies to continue to experiment with the voice and extend the development of the concepts of pitch, rhythm and the control of dynamics

Extend our work with playing tuned and untuned instruments musically

The ocarina, a wind instrument, is introduced at this stage. As well as extending the childrens use of untuned and tuned percussion instruments The children can explore the sounds made by these instruments and the part they can contribute to playing in a group . The ocarina is taught at this stage of the curriculum and the children are introduced to reading music notation on the treble clef. They begin their theoretical work around the centre of the C major and A natural minor scales.

Listen with increasing perception to a range of high-quality live and recorded music.

At this stage the children are asked to listen with increasing intensity to music stimuli, introducing an element of analysis as they listen. Aspects of mood, occasion and quality of a performance are listened to with increasing concentration and discussed as both a class and in groups.

Experiment with, create, select and combine sounds introducing various ways of communicating a music score

Using recorded music as a stimulus for creating written down versions of a piece of music. Here concepts of high or low are introduced drawn as well as various dynamics observed and represented. Articulation in terms of the childrens awareness of the basic forms of staccato and legato is introduced. Aural perception is encouraged by again recording sounds that are made and listening to the work completed . Working with video stimulus and interactive programs is again continued at this level to to extend the children’s awareness of outside sources and their influence on music making.


There is no homework in this year group.


Assessment is on a half termly basis working in class on an informal basis.

Resources and Materials


Internet based resources including, Grovemusiconline (,,


The Music express, Opus and Cambridge Music series of books


Instruments: piano, keyboards, acoustic, electric and bass guitars, ukuleles, violins, recorders (bass, treble and descant), percussion from drum kits to clave, tuned percussion including glockenspiels, xylophones and chime bars