Physical Education
Physical Education at Runnymede follows the Curriculum Guidelines for Junior and Senior schools. In the Junior School we introduce athletics and other pre-sports such as hockey, basketball and kick-ball, and games that lead up to the real activity.
In Years 7 to 11, pupils work on different units: fitness, badminton, basketball, orienteering, dance, net games, hockey, athletics, kick-ball and swimming.
Within the PE programme we organise Outdoor Pursuits as a part of the Curriculum, where each class enjoys a wide variety of activities, learning specific skills in a safe environment. These trips introduce pupils to outdoor sports including orienteering, climbing, kayaking, canoeing, mountain walking and Nordic skiing.
The PE and French Departments organise a Trip to France in June with Year 10, where pupils learn and practice outdoor activities and water-sports.
Runnymede organises Interhouse Cross Country and Interhouse Sports Days in the Junior and Senior School. We also participate in competitions with other British schools (Interschool Cross Country, Interschool Athletics, Volleyball, Football, Tag-Rugby and Basketball Tournaments) with consistently excellent results.
For more information on Extra-curricular sports and Team Runnymede, go to our School Life section on the website.