

One of the main objectives of this department is to comply with the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Comunidad of Madrid to meet the educational needs of Spanish students enrolled at Runnymede College and to complete and guarantee the teachings on the language, history and geography of Spain that are not covered in the English curriculum. These subjects are also attended by students of other nationalities who, due to their high level of language or long stay in this country, wish to do so.

Our Sociales programme meets the demands of the Spanish institutions, but we adapt our teaching methods to the British as far as possible, always taking into account the origin and international cultural background of our pupils. All students of Spanish nationality who study at Runnymede College are obliged to take these subjects until Year 11 (4ºESO).

The study of the History of Spain provides an essential knowledge of the past that contributes to the understanding of the present, from the Prehistoric times to the XX century. It also develops intellectual skills and techniques from abstract and formal thinking, such as observation, analysis, interpretation, comprehension and critical reasoning. The backbone of History, within the social sciences as a whole, makes it the organising axis of thought and the foundation of understanding for all disciplines linked to human activity. That is why the teaching of history has always occupied a preferential place in the education of young people at Runnymede.

We want to awaken in students the passion for learning and provide them with the best tools so that they can achieve their personal fulfilment, exercise active citizenship, enter adult life in a satisfactory way and be able to develop lifelong learning. For all these reasons, we give special treatment to competencies that integrate the different learning and for students to develop their reading skills, use new communication and information technologies, learn study techniques, improve attention and develop logical reasoning that helps them to interpret and understand the environment and find different solutions to solve problems without forgetting education in values.

IMG 5941 - Sociales
IMG 5971 - Sociales