

Biology is a subject that is becoming increasingly relevant in a world where biotechnology, genetically modified organisms and stem cell technology are poised to transform lives in ways that could not have been imagined just decades ago. We want our students to be informed about the potential benefits and associated risks of such advances, and to have informed opinions that will help them shape the rapidly changing world around them.

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We instil in our pupils the importance of gaining a grounding in the evidence-based principles and findings of biology in order to assess how we utilise the Earth’s resources and to understand how we are adversely affecting the world we live in.

Our underlying aim is to make the learning in Biology as practical and ‘hands on’ as possible, with pupils gaining an appreciation in lessons of exactly how science works and a notion of the precision and accuracy required to investigate our ideas in order to make sound and valid conclusions.

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Our facilities are the perfect setting for this rigorous research. With our state-of-the-art laboratories and specialist technicians we insure that our pupils lack for nothing while they get introduced to the complexities of all living organisms.

To complement the research underway in our labs, the Biology department organises numerous trips in which our students get a chance to collect their own data and witness first-hand the natural processes they have learnt about.